Monday, October 6, 2008

It's the night before the next Presidential debate between Barack Obama and John McCain. The debate will be held in Bowling Green, Kentucky, my state and on the border to Ohio, a key state in this election.

Most of the political analyzers are saying that if Barack Obama wins any of the "swing states", Ohio being one of them, then he will more than likely become President of the United States. So what are the undecided voters in Ohio looking for from either candidate? How each candidate proposes to handle fixing the economy. A huge task for either candidate to be sure.

Not let me tell you what the people in not only Ohio, but the United States do not want to listen to anymore. McCain and Palin doing Obama bashing all weekend long while barely focusing on the matters that are important to the voters.

Sunday, Sarah Palin began the attacks against Obama, saying that Obama "associates with terrorists." John McCain followed suit today, according to ABC news saying, "You deserve to know who you're putting into office. For a man whose written two autobiographies, Obama is not an open book." McCain went on to call his opponent dishonest, untrustworthy and many other names. ABC's George Stephanopaulos believes that the mud-slinging will continue on through the debate tomorrow night. All I have to say to that is....McCain, you're an idiot!

When is McCain and Company going to realize that all that mud they are slinging ends up coming back and hitting them in their own faces. When McCain's campaign put out the ad that Obama was more interested in being a celebrity than being the President of the United States, showing Obama waving to the crowds in between clips of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton did that make Obama's popularity plummet? No! All it managed to do was make a fool out of McCain. I mean, how embarrassing is it when Paris Hilton of all people, makes a better and more popular campaign video than McCain? Not only that, but McCain was proven to be a hypocrite. He appeared on as many shows as Obama did and even went on the "Rachel Ray" show to promote his special barbecue ribs. Not that I don't like Rachel because I do, but what the heck does barbecue ribs have to do with the problems the country is having today?

Not learning from that fiasco, McCain tried again with another ad saying, "He made time to go to the gym, but canceled the visit with wounded troops. Seems the Pentagon wouldn't allow him to bring cameras." Several news people who were with Obama when this ad was made were appalled that McCain told such a blatant lie.

Andrea Mitchell, MSNBC reporter and a supporter of McCain who had made the trip with Obama denounced the ad. "There was never any intention of taking cameras to the hospital." Mitchell related the decision was made not to go see the soldiers at the hospital because Obama felt if he made that his last stop, McCain would lash out, seeing it as a publicity stunt. McCain lashed out all right, just the opposite direction. However, McCain made a big mistake when he approved the message.

Not only Mitchell but Keith Olberman as well, poked holes in the ad. Not only were the words lies, but the pictures as well. Mitchell and Olberman both said the pictures that were used in the viscious ad of Obama shooting basketball in a "gym" were actually taken in Kuwait, where Obama had stopped to visit soldiers. Andrea should definitely know.....she was with him on the trip. If I read her right, McCain lost at least one supporter by showing just how far he would go to win the Presidency.

And strike three. During a speech in which Obama had never mentioned Sarah Palin, he used the same words McCain had used in one of his speeches.....putting lipstick on a pig. What happened? McCain's campaign blew the words out of propertion, saying that Obama had used the term to describe Palin. WTF?

Now McCain is back to talking about Obama's "friend" William Ayers, a leader and member of the Weather Underground. This group bombed several buildings including the State Senate, the Capital and several police stations during the 60's and 70's while protesting the Vietnam War. And while I don't support fighting violence with violence or condone what this group did, Obama was 8 years old at the time. When McCain was friends with Charles Keating, a man who caused the biggest controlled fraud case in history, he was at least in his 40's.

Yes, that's right. Obama has decided he is tired of all the time spent on having to defend himself, not to mention all the time McCain is using doing the mud-slinging. Obama wants to get back to the basics of this election. So Obama and his campaign have come up with a web video of their own on here, detailing McCain's involvement in "The Keating Five".

Who are the "Keating Five"? They are John McCain and 4 other senators who used their political influence to help Charles Keating, a real estate mogul who was trying to avoid regulations of a Savings and Loan he owned during the S& L crisis of the 80's. When Keating's savings and loan empire collapsed, taxpayers were left with a 3.4 million dollar bailout.

The Senate Ethic Committee investigated McCain and the 4 other senators and according to the chairman at the time, Senator Howard Heflin, "many of your fellow citizens believe that you were bought by Charles Keating, that you were bribed, that you sold your office, that you traded your honor and your good names for contributions and other benefits." How much of a contribution did McCain get? At least $120,000.00. And how much money did Ayers contribute to Obama's senatorial campaign? $200.00.

"Of the five senators before you, Senator McCain had the closest personal relationship with Charles Keating." How close were Ayers and Obama? They met at a meet and greet during Obama's campaign for re-election for senator of Illinois. They served on the Woods Fund for three years and Obama shared the stage with Ayers at two academic conferences. Big difference here. As the old saying goes, "People who live in glass houses should not cast stones."

McCain and Palin are slitting their own throats, so to speak, by starting this stuff again right before a debate in a key state like Ohio. When people are reminded of the Keating scandal in a state that is mostly worried about putting their trust and faith in a man who can get this country out of the troubled economy it is in now, they won't want to put that trust and faith in McCain. Once a puppet for money, always a puppet for money.

Yes, I predict if mud-slinging begins in the debate tonight, McCain is going to lose not only Ohio but the Presidential election as well. And while that will be a-okay with me, McCain supporters better hope and pray the man uses his brains and sticks to the issues instead of the past.

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