Sunday, October 12, 2008

Second Presidential Debate A Yawner, But Obama Clear Winner

My husband and I watched the last debate and were not impressed. And we weren't alone. A lot of professional politicos also declared the debate, "A yawner." Despite this fact, I think that Obama came out the clear winner, at least in our household.

I have been an Obama supporter since he beat out Clinton. Yes, Hilary Clinton would have been my first choice for President of The United States by a narrow margin. When Barack Obama won, I stuck with the Democratic party because I felt John McCain was a clone of Bush. I had hoped that Obama would choose Hilary Clinton as his running mate, but sadly that didn't happen. My husband, on the other hand, thought he was going to vote for McCain. But after watching the debate and listening to their ideas for America, my husband said he would vote for Obama.

But getting back to the debate. Yes, both candidates brought up some interesting ideas for helping America get out of the economic distress we are in, not to mention the war and health care plans. What I noticed the most was that while Senator Obama tried to answer each question as thoroughly as possible, Senator McCain, when asked a question, would fire something off about Obama, say very few words about what he planned to do about whatever was mentioned, and just kept repeating the same phrases over and over. "My friends" which I believe I read totaled a number of 30 times. And "We are Americans. I have faith that we can get through this." Problem was, he really didn't enlighten either my husband or myself as to how Americans were going to get through the issues that have plaguing us for 8 years.

Then, Senator Obama started defending himself, making the debate more of a "he did this" or "he did that" instead of discussing America.

Many people have taken offense to the fact that during the debate John McCain pointed at Barack Obama and referred to him as, "that one". Not Senator Obama. That One. And while I wondered at first why there was such a big uproar over 2 simple words, I understand it now. In a public forum such as a debate, calling Obama "that one" instead of using his name was very disrepectful to McCain's opponent.

No matter whether you thought it was disrespectful or nothing big, the truth of the matter is, lots of people are cashing in on those two words. For example, Zazzle found here has several "That One" t-shirts. They sell for around $24.00. Zazzle isn't the only one cashing in on McCain's faux paux. There are lots of internet sites selling these t-shirts.

Yet again, another McCain strategy has seemed to backfire. Not only did the remark make undecided voters wonder whether to vote for him, Obama supporters to have something to wear against him but it also made money for others besides himself. Maybe McCain should demand a percentage of the profits. At least that way, he would have gotten something out of it.

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